Waterbury, CT Hospice Care

A distinguished nonprofit hospice provider since 1983, Regional Hospice walks alongside Waterbury patients and their loved ones enabling those in our care to focus on what matters: living fully when facing life-limiting illness. Patients of all ages―from babies to adults―in private homes, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in three Connecticut counties benefit from our services. Our Danbury Center for Comfort Care & Healing is the first residential hospice center of its kind in Connecticut, offering all the comforts and amenities of home to patients throughout greater Waterbury.

Do you have a question? Reach out, we can help.

Our Patients’ Stories

Beverly Dieringer

The qualities that she adored about White Ironstone China could also be said of her: she is strong, practical, and has a classical elegance.

A Very Special Visit

Victor Clarizio, visited Pegasus Therapeutic Riding, which was a day to remember for Victor and all the people who love and care for him. Read more about this meaningful day.

In Memoriam to Karl

Karl was an amazing individual who helped so many in the community.  He was a tireless and unassuming advocate for the charitable causes he believed in.

Our Mission

Compassion, Peace and Dignity
We give you and your loved one’s support with the compassion, peace and dignity they deserve during this difficult time. We strive to give end-of-life patients new goals and improve the quality of their lives with symptom and pain management.


Comfort Versus Curative
If there is a terminal prognosis of 6 months or less (a disease that has run its normal course) or if you have a child suffering from life-limiting illness, consider giving them hospice services. We want to give them the highest quality of life during the last stage of their lives.

A Doctor’s Referral is Not Necessary
Anyone in Waterbury can request hospice care, and a patient can be referred to by anyone so long as they are admitted under a physician’s direction. An online hospice referral can be completed through our site for your convenience.


Hospice is Affordable
Hospice care is covered by most private health insurances, along with Medicare and Medicaid, to help make the care for your loved one more affordable.

Home Hospice Care in Waterbury

Whether your loved one lives in a house, assisted nursing residence or skilled nursing facility, Home Hospice Care will come to them.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • Many diagnoses are considered: Alzheimer’s and related dementias, pulmonary and cardiac diseases, and cancer.
  • Hospice Care is a covered benefit under Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurances.
  • Our support line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for symptom management; medications and equipment as well as emotion and spiritual support.

Your hospice care may include trained volunteers who are available to give caregivers a break, provide companionship, run errands or show special skills like music to the patients.

Family in park

Inpatient Hospice Care

For end-of-life care, you may want to consider the Center for Comfort Care and Healing in Danbury if your loved one becomes too hard to care for in your Waterbury home. The Center supports their personal needs and respects their individuality while also giving them and their families options for the highest quality hospice care away from home.

The Center for Comfort Care and Healing offers:

  • 12 private suites
  • A Multitude of Amenities
  • Accommodations for family overnight stays
  • Gourmet Meals
  • Emotional & volunteer support.
  • 24/7 Palliative-care-trained medical physicians and APRNs
  • Complementary therapies (massage, Reiki, music & Pet Partner program)

Enjoy gourmet meals prepared by our exceptional chef, Dan Fogarty and his kitchen staff. Whatever you crave, Chef Dan is sure to impress you and your family! We take pride in offering only the highest quality of services, and our gourmet meals meet those expectations that our patients look for.

We are Here to Support You – Learn More

Since 1983, Regional Hospice has been dedicated to providing comforting care and compassion for those with terminal illnesses or going through a loss. We are here to help support Waterbury families and their loved ones. Please reach out to us.